Saturday, February 15, 2020

How Will You Measure Your Life Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

How Will You Measure Your Life - Case Study Example The unsurpassed tactic is balances linking comprising a purposeful, emergent or flexible strategy. Despite the fact that people will always possess deliberate strategies, possessing resources and ability to change the tactics is crucial. If the ideas used are about to be overtaken in the market, a person can always change to fit in the competitive environment. Best business entails giving to the customers what they need. In the case of allocating what is not needed by the customers leads to loss. This happens because the customers will not purchase what they do not require. Resources must be allocated where they are in demand. Smaller, feebler, but more pioneering competitors begin markets and finally dislocate and fully go beyond their entrants. In life, we cannot stay to obtain all the information before undertaking a decision. People can replicate their lives off by meditating on the causes and consequences. A number of organizations value short term over long term payouts. Â  Giving more value to the things which have immediate rewards compared to those whose fruits will be achieved later can be extremely damaging. How people utilize energy, time, talent and wealth will be determined by the decision made on how to put the resources into action. Abandoning personal correlations in the events may result into irreversible, detrimental effects. Good capital is devoting in stuffs most probable to proffer an optimistic return, or as a minimum let a person to have residual assets in order to revolve. In life situation, getting fixated on short term income is very easy. Failure to invest in crucial things such as family and friendship early enough, realizing their importance can take time. In industry, corporations can make colossal errors by impeding taking action against a troublesome competitor, or scaling up. Despite the fact that

Sunday, February 2, 2020

What exactly are the consequences of performance appraisal in Essay

What exactly are the consequences of performance appraisal in organisations and how does it contribute to organisational or individual performance - Essay Example Additionally, the process provides the management with information that helps them to identify employee potentials. The organization can desire to affect the employee attitude by the results obtained by the employee through the evaluation cycle. The evaluation cycle provide the employee with clear performance SMART goals. The performance SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic and Time-bound that the employee should work towards achieving. If the employee is performing well, the organization can reward such an employee by job promotion or increase in salary pay. If an employee performance is poor, the organization can choose to train the employee so that the employee can improve in performance (Kerwick 2013). After goal setting in performance appraisal, the supervisor and employee hold a self-appraisal meeting to discuss the employee’s performance so that they can identify potential goals for the upcoming appraisal period (Michelle, Douglas & John 2010). Based on the management, the employees perform their job and the supervisor should a keep note of the employee’s accomplishments and challenges. When a performance appraisal is carried out, a supervisor needs to show the employee how their performance affects the productivity of the organization. The employees should also understand how their performance affects the ability of others employees to do their jobs, and it helps put his job duties into an overall company context. This helps improve the notion of teamwork among the staff and can also encourage the cooperation to achieve corporate goals. After employee evaluation, employees with high scores become motivated and are likely to perform well and increase organizational productivity (Michelle et al 2010).An employee with a positive feedback makes himself feel like a worthy contributor in the organization hence encouraging them to perform better in the future. This